Undertale #10 The Mysterious Flower

I left Snowdin Town and kept going to the deeper underworld.
Papyrus had gave me his phone number so that I could have his help.
Papyrus mentioned that the head of royal guards stayed in waterfall called Undyne...

This is an echo flower.
It repeats the last thing it heard, over and over...

This flower seemed to be important in this area-waterfall...

Hi! Sans! Don't you have a stand in Snowdin?
Haven't you seen a guy with two jobs before?

...fortunately, two jobs means twice as many legally required breaks.

I'm going to grillby's.
Wanna come?
⋇ Yeah  ✓     ⋇ I'm busy

Well. If you insist... I'll pry myself away from my work...
☆ Idiom
pry oneself away from=
force sb. away from something else

Over here. I know a shortcut.

You walked definitely the oppisite direction! How...?

Do you have any super power?
Like... teleport?

...Forget it.
Come here. Get comfy.

Whaddya want...?
⋇ Fries  ✓      ⋇ Burger
Give me some fries plz.

Hey! Grillby, we'll have a double order of fries.
Archie, how do you think of my brother?

Papyrus is cool and full of enthusiasm.
It must because his cool outfit.
He wears them everyday.
I mean, even in the shower.

(Double of fries come)

Want some ketchup?
⋇ Yes ✓            ⋇ No
Bone (Bon) appetit!

(the cap of the bottle fells off and my fries are full of ketchup...)

You can have mine.
Anyway, cool or not.
You have to agree papyrus tries real hard.
One day, he went to the house of the head of royal guard and begged to be the royal guard.

Of course, she shut the door on him because it was midnight.
But the next day, she saw him still waiting there.
Seeing his dedication, she decided to give him training.
Oh yeah, I wanted to ask you something.
Have you ever heard of a talking flower?

(How did you know...Flowey?)
(Maybe Sans will tell me something about Flowey)
⋇ Yes ✓         ⋇ No

So you know all about it.
The echo flower.

Someone must be using an echo flower to play a trick.
Keep an eye out, ok?
I'm flat broke.  Can you foot the bill?

☆ Idiom
flat broke = having no money at all
foot the bill = pay for the bill

just 10000G
⋇ Yes            ⋇ No ✓
Just kidding.
Grillby, put it on my tab.

a bill or check

Sans must know something...
Are you sneaking out to see her, too?
I'm the monster kid!

Undyne will probably capture me...
It seems that it is difficult to break through her.

I found an old tutu behind the waterfall.

A short skirt, consisting gathered sheer fabric. 

Ok. I'll keep it.
...Why the shadow becomes sharper than before?

Wait a minute!  Does someone here talking?

Huh? Did I fight them? Yes! Of course I did!
I fought them valiantly!
boldly, brave, couragous

What? Did I capture them?
I tried very hard, Undyne, but in the end...
I failed.
But undyne, you don't... have... to destroy them!

... I understand.
Did she noticed me?!
Fortunately, she left.

It was awesome!

What'd you do to get her attention..?

Let's go watch her beat up some bad guys!

Whoo, hopely she won't attack me...

A feeling of dread hangs over me... But I stay determined.
2018/5/19 To Be Continued...


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